Today, we bring a different post. We are going to write in english. Wow! But... there is one little problem, our english isn't very good. Nevertheless, we will try to do it the best possible.
Lately, do a drawing on the skin is very fashionable. Tattoo is becoming increasingly common in teenagers.
We are going to talk about tattoos because we think that they are beautiful and bad in the same time.
They are beautiful when they have a meaning for the person who tattoo it. Some people want have a tatto in his skin to remember anything or anyone to always. While other people tattoo only for decoration.
In both cases, when a person tattoos he must think that this tattoo will be for a long time. And this is the bad, because if your tattoo cease like you with the passage of time, you can't delete it from your skin. In spite of this, now you can delete it but leaves a mark.
In both cases, when a person tattoos he must think that this tattoo will be for a long time. And this is the bad, because if your tattoo cease like you with the passage of time, you can't delete it from your skin. In spite of this, now you can delete it but leaves a mark.
In one hand, some people think that tattoos are farces. In the other hand, some people think that it is art which you can have liberty of expression.
The type of tattoos that more trend are inspirations of love, liberty,
peace..., romans numbers and sentences in different languajes.
In our opinion, we like tattoos provided it isn't very big. We think that small anything with meaning will become beautiful. But, "for likes, colours"
And nothing else, if we have any mistake, you can tell us and we can improve.
Thank you for reading us.